
Archive for April, 2006

go perth: day 0

April 30, 2006 Comments off

(insert klia)

Tomorrow would be the flight to Perth, Western Australia.

Me drove from M town to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at night. I filled up cikcity’s tank at PG highway.

At 11pm, me slept at Highway Hotel, Ayer Keroh Highway.

Categories: nostalgia, Travel

1 Motorcycle 3 Police Stations

April 14, 2006 Comments off

If you lose your vehicle in Gombak, please do not go to Balai Polis Gombak. Otherwise, they will ask you to write a report, then ask you to go to Balai Polis Wangsa Maju, then later they will ask you to go to Balai Polis Sentul.
If you lose your vehicle, after getting the police report, please go to your vehicle’s company where you bought it from. They will do the paper work, including the insurance matters. You still have to pay your installment until the case is closed that will take about 6 months! Otherwise, the finance company will charge you for not paying the installment…

Categories: transport